Story Board

Within the trinary star system of Sirius, the Anunaki depart their home world of Rizq to embark on a dangerous mission to Earth~

Within the trinary star system of Sirius, the Anunaki depart their home world of Rizq to embark on a dangerous mission to Earth~

The Starship Nibiriu~

The starship Nibiriu – “Relentless Crosser of the Seas of Space”

Stasis Cambers within Nibiru

Stasis Cambers within Nibiru.

Chair design on board Nibiru

Chair design on board Nibiru

The Brige on board Nibiru

The ship’s bridge on board Nibiru.

The Riziqians depart Mars after stopping to refuel their ship.

The Rizqians depart Mars after stopping to refuel their ship.

Ea and 49 crew members come to ancient Earth to harvest its gold.

Ea and 50 crew members come to ancient Earth to harvest its gold.

The early Earthbase of Eridu

The early Earth outpost of Eridu.

The goal of the mission to Earth - Gold

The goal of the mission to Earth – Gold

Enki Speaks

Enki speaks out on their low gold yields.

A decision to relocate operations is made.

A decision to relocate operations is made.

During expansion, 600 are brought to Earth and the spaceport of Eridu is upscaled to become Edin.

During expansion, 600 are brought to Earth and the spaceport of Eridu is upscaled to become Edin.

The Royal Family arrives on Earth.

The Royal Family arrives on Earth.

King Anu's division of power. Enlil would run Edin and Ea would run the Mines of the Abzu, and be known as Enki - Lord of Earth

King Anu’s division of power. Enlil would run Edin and Ea would run the Mines of the Abzu, and be known as Enki – Lord of Earth

Lord Enki manipulates a rebellion to gain support in the creation of a new worker.

Lord Enki manipulates a rebellion to gain support in the creation of a new worker.

Enlil confronts Enki.

Enlil confronts Enki.

Lord Anu sides with Enki and allows an alternative work force to be designed.

Lord Anu sides with Enki and allows an alternative work force to be designed.

It is realized that Anunaki surrogates are the only way to achieve the proper gestation environment for their new worker being.

It is realized that Anunaki surrogates are the only way to achieve the proper gestation environment for their new worker being.

Ninmah creates a half reptilian, half mammalian worker - Lulu

Ninmah creates a half reptilian, half mammalian worker – Lulu

100 surrogates are brought from Rizq to birth a Lulu work force.

100 surrogates are brought from Rizq to birth a Lulu work force.

Enki tells his sister that his confidence was well placed in her abilities.

Enki tells his sister his confidence was well placed in her abilities.

Ninmah humbely accepts Enki's praise.

Ninmah humbely accepts Enki’s praise.

Lulu mining gold in the Abzu~

Lulu mining gold in the Abzu~

"It seems our new work force's life span is much shorter than expected. Production is suffering."

“It seems our new work force’s life span is much shorter than we had expected. Production is suffering.”

"I too share in your concerns my brother, and I may have come up with a solution."

“I too share in your concerns my brother, and I may have come up with a solution.”

"With DNA from Lyra, we can now create a worker that is capable of reproduction."

“With DNA from Lyra, we can now create a worker that is capable of reproduction.”

"A drawback to our new design is that it will be completely mammalian."

“A drawback to our new design is that it will be completely mammalian.”

"Upon closer examination, the human brain is much too advanced for our purposes."

“Upon closer examination, the human brain is much too advanced for our purposes.”

"Dampening agents shall be placed at three points along their main energy channel."

“Dampening agents shall be placed at three points along their main energy channel.”

The story of Human origins~

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